Rats thrive in unsanitary conditions, so it’s natural to be concerned that you’re getting rodents because your home is dirty and poorly maintained. However, the presence of rats doesn’t always […]
How To Stop Rats Eating Hedgehog Food
Hedgehogs eat fruit, vegetables, and insects. Unfortunately, rats enjoy many of the same foods as hedgehogs, making it difficult for owners to feed hedgehogs without feeding rodents. Remove how rats […]
Will Aluminum Foil Keep Rats Out? (Gnaw + Bite Thin Sheet Metal)
Rats target kitchens, especially leftover food that’s on open counters. You may think a layer of aluminum foil (thin sheet metal) should be sufficient to keep rats out. However, a […]
What Can Rats NOT Climb? (Smooth vs. Rough Surfaces)
Rats are good climbers, capable of scaling walls, fences, trees, brick walls, gutters, and drain pipes. The roof rat earns its title from its impressive scaling ability. It’ll use trees, […]
Can Rats Chew Through Canned Food? (Gnawing Through Cans)
Rats have a powerful bite force for their size and can gnaw through dense materials, including some kinds of metal, putting even canned food at risk. When seeking food, these […]
Does Leaving The Lights On Deter Rats?
Rats are nocturnal animals, meaning that they’re most active at night. They use their sense of smell, hearing, and touch to navigate the dark. When they feel safe and hungry, […]
How To Prevent Rats from Eating Car wires
Rodent-inflicted damage to cars is a major concern for many vehicle owners, especially during the winter. As rats seek shelter inside vehicles to escape the cold weather, they often chew […]
How To Feed Squirrels, But Not Rats
Feeding squirrels is a favorite pastime for many homeowners who have gardens on their property. It’s common to find squirrels foraging for treats in trees and bird feeders in your […]
What Smells Do Rats Dislike? (17 Scents Rats Hate)
Many of us are turning to natural pest deterrents to drive rats away. While rats have poor vision, they have a good sense of smell. Rats can pick up various […]